Headbangers India CalendarsFor the first time ever, Headbangers India brings to you a calendar entirely dedicated to Indian Metal. This calendar features twelve of the best metal bands from around the country, including Acrid Semblance, Bhayanak Maut, Demonic Resurrection, Inner Sanctum, Undying Inc, Kryptos, and Blood and Iron, to name a few.

LIMITED NUMBER OF COPIES AVAILABLE! So make sure you order yours today! The Headbangers India calendar is priced at Rs.300 (exclusive of delivery charges). You can also check out our sample at the Deccan Rock Festival happening on the 5th of December in Bangalore. Orders will be taken there as well. Fill in the pre-order form (available on the website) and place your order as soon as possible. Remember, last date for placing orders is 10th December 2009.

So hurry up and order your copy now! You wouldn’t want to let this piece of Indian Metal history slip out of your hands.