“The beast has been awakened. It’s ready to roar again!”
That’s the tagline of JRO- June Rock Out (which doesn’t always happen in June though). The rock festival is back for its 2010 version, and is now calling out for entries! This year, JRO has increased the number of performing bands to 13, so if you think you/ your band stands a chance, go ahead and send in your demos.
This is the information released by the organizers of JRO about the selection process:
There are number of demos that we get for JRO from all over the country. This year 13 bands get to perform for JRO.
Unwind Center has a Panel of Judges who would select the top 13 bands and its for them to decide the band which has to be part of JRO.
The Last date for sending Your Demos will be MAY 29th.
The final list of bands performing will be announced by June 5th
Send in Your Demo CDs to the following address:
The Coordinator
C/o Unwind Center
#8 Manikeswari Road,
Kilpauk. Chennai- 600010
Or you could also e-mail them at the following addresses:
For more details, you can log on to the official website- www.unwindcenter.com
(P.S: Make sure you spell it right, or you’ll be directed to a website for yoga and meditation).