Furtados Music brings you The Palm-Expo Build Up – A series of workshops and clinics conducted by our fantastic endorsees.
A Band Building Workshop & ESP Guitar Clinic with Demonstealer from Demonic Resurrection.
Attend this workshop for a chance to win a Meet And Greet with Lamb of God’s Willie Adler himself!
Lots of other prizes to be won! ESP T-Shirts as well as Cymbals signed by John Tempesta and Zldjian T-Shirts and Caps and lots more so make sure you are there.
Demonstealer has been a pioneer in the Indian metal scene with his bands Demonic Resurrection and Workshop. In his band building workshop he will break down the music business and tell you what it takes to make it big in India as well as abroad. Lots of helpful promotion tips and tricks. He will also spend time answering your queries about the music business. Following the workshop he will conduct an ESP Guitar clinic showcasing his extreme metal style of guitar playing.
Venue – Furtados Music
No-116/C-1, 5th Block, KHB Colony,
Near Forum Mall,
Koramangala, Bangalore.
Date – Friday, 14th May 2010
Time – 4 PM to 7 PM