SceptreIn an update issued by Sceptre on March 18th on their MySpace page, the band announced that their frontman for eleven years, Teemeer, has quit the band. He will be replaced by Shezan on lead guitars. Sceptre is also currently auditioning vocalists and working on a new album.

Here’s what the update says:

“After 11 years of Fronting “Sceptre”, Teemeer calls it quits.
Teemeer – Vocals/Leads Guitar (1998 – 2009)
It saddens to officially announce that after fronting Sceptre for over 11 long years, our Frontman/Lead guitarist Teemeer has called it quits due to his personal reasons. We wish him all the best with his other project ‘Cirkles’. We are also happy to announce our newest (and youngest ) band member “Shezan Shaikh”
Shezan was the lead guitarist of many bands such as Zohak & has also played with Frank when they were with Atmosfear(Death Metal). Incidently Teemeer has been Shezans teacher and hence both of them are very excited with Shezan filling Teemeers shoes. He has just returned with a music degree from the prestigious ‘Musicians Institute’, USA. We are very excited with the new line-up as we look forward to getting back to our roots and churning our some brutal and heavy Metal.
The band is currently auditioning Vocalists and also working on new material for our new Album, which will be something to look forward to for every Indian Metal Fan. Our new song will be available free for Download soon so all can get a taste of what’s to come.
Our heartiest goodbye to Teemeer and cheers to us on our new journey.