Demonstealer RecordsDemonstealer Records has issued the following statement:

Hey Everyone, We’ve expanded our distribution to some new corners of India and we hope that you will continue to support the label and buy original copies of albums.We’ve now got distribution in Kolkata, Chennai & Secunderabad also. Below are the list of places you can now get DSR cds.

Pranaadhika Sinha Tattoo Studio (KOLKATA)
IB 150 Sector III
Bidhannagar, Salt Lake
Kolkata – 700 106
Ph: 98741 35992

Braganza and Co (KOLKATA)
#2A,Marquis Street
Park Street H.O.
Landmark: Near Reserve Bank of India
Phone: 033-22527715

Musee Musical (CHENNAI)
No,73 Anna salai ,
Chennai – 600002.
Ph – 044-28522780

Musee Musical (SECUNDERABAD)
Shop No.63, Swapnalok Complex,
S.D Road, Secunderabad 500 003.
Andhra Pradesh
Ph – 040-27811674

DSR CDs are also available @ FURTADOS MUSIC outlets in Mumbai, Pune, Gurgaon & Bangalore.
For store addresses and timings visit

For all the lazy bums!! for home delivery

For free downloads of albums and other cool things do sign up on the DSR forums.

Those who wish to promote the label and Indian Metal please forward this information to all your friends and encourage them to pick up original CDs.