Theorized is no new name to metalheads from namma Bengaluru. But to headbangers elsewhere in the country, here’s introducing to you one of this city’s more popular thrash metal bands- Theorized. They have been around in the performing circuit for quite a while, and have just brought out their EP, titled ‘False Hope of Tyranny.’Starting from scratch in 2005, the band has gradually and greatly evolved over the last few years to now bring out a five track CD that’s tight as hell. The group was a regular at Sunday Jams, college fests and even some outstation gigs. As is inevitable in most cases, there was a period of silence followed by line-up changes, and Theorized was reborn into the avatar as we see it today. The outfit began to concentrate on writing original music, and simultaneously, lady luck befriended them. They made it to the south zone finals of Campus Rock Idols & DSP Black Rockilution and also took part in a number of college fests, winning quite a few of them.

And this is where they’ve gotten to now. ‘False Hope Of Tyranny’ was released on the 24th of January, 2009. Priced at Rs.50, the CD consists of five songs:

01. Intro
02. Dark Incarnation
03. Raise The Dead
04. Venomous Tormentia
05. Blackout

The EP was supposed to be out by mid-2008, but recording itself began only on the first of January 2009. No cheers for the delay, but impressive that they managed to complete recording the music and even release it in a span of 24 days! Those who attended ‘Saarang’ would have noticed these guys walking around selling the CDs. Guess what. They managed to sell over a 100 CDs that way!

Those who missed the band-members-turned-salesmen there, you can pick up your copy by mailing the band at

A definite recommendation to listeners. And, Headbangers India congratulates the band on the effort.