More than a quarter of a century ago, in 1984, eleven-year-old singer, guitarist and composer Daniel Gildenlöw started a band. It was a time when Fates Warning was just 2 years old, Queensrÿche three; Dream Theater wouldn’t be formed for a year yet. That band, one of the oldest progressive metal bands alive, rechristened ‘Pain of Salvation’ in 1991, is coming to India for the first time ever, this January!

Pain of Salvation has long been one of the biggest names in the progressive rock and metal scene, with legions of fans who love their dark lyrical streak and technical virtuosity. Whether it is clean guitar riffs that swim through reverbs, haunting keyboard ambiences or the bass playing slap-picks in the middle of a clean section, expect ecstasy from Pain of Salvation.

Here on their first Indian tour, they promote their latest album Road Salt II. This after the success of its predecessor, Road Salt, which was beautifully summed up  by Angry Metal Guy – “In an era when hard rock and metal is so incredibly impersonal, when every other record is faux hate and anger or clichéd nonsense, it is beyond refreshing to have band produce material that is so emotionally poignant and beautiful.”

The sounds of Odin’s spear and Thor’s hammer will be heard again in the Midgard they abandoned long ago. On a freezing night this winter; at the campus that celebrates the intense and worships the insane; at the concert that could be Ragnarok itself.

Pain of Salvation, live in concert, at IIM Lucknow’s Manfest, on Saturday the 22nd of January, 2011. This sure is going to be the concert of the season.

Pain of Salvation at Manfest 2011 passes are now available at, just click on the “Book Passes” link on
the left and you are good to come!