In 2008, Bangalore witnessed, for the first ever time, an all-day rock and metal show, called Rock Ethos. The objective of the show was to promote original music. A statement that our bands no longer rely on covers to sell popularity.
Well, Rock Ethos is back this 2009 and this is what the Festival Art Director VT Srinivas had to say:

“WE ARE BACK! The only Indian Rock Festival which Bangalore can call its own is back to own your ass on the 7th (and, or) 8th of Feb 2009. The dates are 90% confirmed, but I will update you in the next few weeks if there are any changes.

The venue is mostly likely to remain the same, the big ass palace grounds!

Though the whole RE team was working, brain storming, fighting (:P) about RE 2 since Feb 10th 2008, its now that we start our work in full force. You guys are gonna witness better production, same kickass sound by V&P and crazy kickass bands from Bangalore (maybe few bands from other cities and hopefully one band from another country).

We will try and make the line up as interesting and diverse as possible. We had no sponsors for main stage last year as you all saw, but that didn’t stop us from making the show as awesome as it turned out to be. We don’t have any sponsors yet this year, and I don’t think it will stop us this time either.

Rock Ethos 1 achieved the cult status it enjoys because of 2 things.

1.Amazing co-operation from all the bands I called, you guys rock! The response was just amazing and that kept us going. No matter who plays this year, RE1 was and will be special to everyone who was a part of it and I am sure they will cherish it for a long time.
2. The crowd, FUCK!! I was at the venue with Raj, Vishnu and Arpan the previous evening and all we were hoping for is for you guys to turn up in huge numbers which you did and how????? We started this fest with complete honest intentions and you guys didn’t let us down!! Hopefully we see the crowd doubled because our efforts have tripled(largely because of the expectations).
Even this time around you guys will see sporting arenas, kickass press conference venues amongst other things.

ATTN BANDS : Bands interested in playing the fest, please send in your presskit by email to me at on or before Jan 15th 11:59PM (:P)
VT Srinivas
Festival Art Director
Rock Ethos, Bangalore.”