Though this would come as a major disappointment to all metalheads, there’s still a ray of hope. Great Indian Rock has confirmed that TesseracT and Enslaved will headline their festival later this year. And with rumors about a whole array of other bands coming down to India, let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Lol, should have put up Dying Fetus cancelled due to inexplicable reasons 😛
SLAYER Guitarist Talks About Peforming Entire 'Seasons' Album, Touring With METALLICA – Sep. 3, 2010
None But My Own: What's next for SLAYER? I know you begin the second leg of the "American Carnage" tour with ANTHRAX and how do you end the year?
Kerry King: We were supposed to go back to Europe after the ANTHRAX run but I believe that's been pushed back to next year [2011]. I mean, we were just there over the summer and spent a lot of time there. So instead of Europe we'll hit South America and Mexico late this year and get those markets out of the way. So maybe the first thing we'll do, after the Super Bowl; because I won't be in Europe for the playoffs… I'll quit. [Laughs]! I mean, I just won't do it!
[Laughs] But we'll be doing Australia festivals, there are five festival shows and we're also going —–to India for the first time at the end of February—–. So finally after all that we'll do the Europe thing, if they're looking for us.