A little over two hours ago (plus however long it takes to write this review) five men from Richmond motherfucking Virginia unleashed their wrath upon a starved metal crowd in Bangalore, India. Like all my reviews, this too begins from the top. We arrived at Palace Grounds at around 3 to see hundreds of black t-shirts scattered in and around the area. There is a deep sense of pride when you see this long-haired herd, and you grin at the ‘normal’ folk who frown on you. Most of the t-shirts had three words distinctly etched on them – Lamb, Of, and God. The summer was here in all its blazing glory, and the storm would soon follow.
Right off the bat, let me admit that I’m not your run-of-the-mill Lamb of God fan. I was one of the early bird ticket holders, but my eagerness was in seeing the Extinct Reflections comeback as much as it was in watching LoG, blasphemous as that may sound. I was indeed excited by the prospect of seeing this great band in front of my eyes, but my excitement would not compare to the thousands of dreams that took live form today, and my review might not do justice to the many broken necks and shattered spines.
Now that I’m done with the introduction and the disclaimer, let me proceed to the music. Bangalore’s heavy metal act Bhoomi began precisely at 4. I’ll shamefully admit that despite living in this city all my life, today was the first time I was seeing them live. It was a rather sparse crowd inside the arena at that point. Trouble began right after the first song. A couple of guys from the northern part of the country chucked bottles on stage, and this drove guitarist Tony Das furious. Abuses hurtled back and forth between the band and the insolent segment of the crowd, but Bhoomi were determined to show the crowd that they were as good a band as the rest of the fodder, with songs such as Uncultured, Game and Raise the Hell. I was looking forward to hearing their older stuff like Dead Time Stories and Vertigo, but the band played new material that will make their upcoming album, which will be produced by Neil Kernon who has worked with bands like Judas Priest, Queensryche and Nevermore. It wasn’t an explosive start to the afternoon, mainly because it was simply too fucking hot.
The event’s surprise element was a band from Mizoram called Boomarang. When I read about the opening acts, I checked this band out on myspace, and was confounded by the genre, and thus their selection to open for LoG. Boomarang calls their music “junk rock since it contains progressions of various genres of music which ranges from jazz, blues, reggae, funk to extreme metal”. None of that justified their inclusion at Summerstorm, but in the eyes of the organizers, bands from the north-east need to be given a chance to showcase their talent. I did like the songs that were up on myspace, despite them being of the rock variety, but I wasn’t sure if a metal crowd would have the patience. Luckily for the band, it wasn’t a full strength crowd. I wanted to pay attention to these guys, but like most people, I relented to the heat, plopping myself onto the ground after visiting the stalls for beverages. From what little I did hear, their music sounded something like Rage Against The Machine. A pub gig on a Friday night would suit this band better, I suppose.
Mumbai band Scribe were the third band on stage. I’m quite the biased metal head, and I think the Bangalore metal scene owns the rest of the country’s metal put together. Having said that, there were probably as many people today from Mumbai, Pune and Delhi as there were from Bangalore. Still lying down on the grass, I only started focusing on the stage when I heard the guitarist play Meshuggah’s Bleed, and that was pretty much where I stopped. I don’t get the typical North Indian vocalist’s obsession with talking. Parikrama did that in Mumbai, and Scribe did that today. The vocalist’s deadpan humor got onto my nerves. The intro riffs welcomed me to headbang, but the vocals put me off. The band was promoting “Mark of Teja”, an album that would make a good poster if you don’t like the music, quipped the vocalist. My boss Subbu felt that Scribe were the best band of the day, scoring in tightness, stage act and sound. I know you were getting ready to gun me down, so that should have appeased you.
The real deal began when Sandesh Nagaraj arrived on stage to effortlessly seam through his divine riffs. This modest guitarist flew here all the way from Los Angeles to play a half hour show for Extinct Reflections. And that was how long this amazing band’s final performance lasted. They started with Swallowed Into Silence, and then I was taken aback when I heard that epic riff from Recognize Analyze. Already? This song has to have the best metal riffs written by an Indian. They slowed it down with Mercury Shattered, and it was at this point that the crowd began screaming Lamb Of God. Summerstorm had, by far, the stupidest crowd that I’ve ever seen. The vocalist Prasad took it well, fooling the crowd into thinking that Machines of Madness was a LoG song. They left In Praise Of Your Shadows for the finale, and it was over as quick as it began.
Forty five minutes after ER finish, you hear The Passing. The five men from Richmond motherfucking Virginia arrive. The horns are in the air, the crowd is jumping and headbanging to In Your Words and Set To Fail. There is awe all around me, but the magnitude of the occasion hits me only when I hear Randy scream Walk With Me In Hell. The madness continues with Now You’ve Got Something To Die For. Indeed, we do. The older material also includes Ruin and Hourglass. The lighting is spectacular. It feels as if we are being invaded by aliens. They play Dead Seeds and Randy talks about how special it is to be in India. He thanks the crowd for coming in from all parts of the country, and a friend later told me that he had tears in his eyes. I message a friend saying that I’ve seen better shows, and at that moment, the spotlight falls on Mark Morton, who explodes into Blacken The Cursed Sun. Is any of this even real? Hell yes! Descending is a treat. As The Palaces Burn… Laid To Rest… Need I say much? Randy dedicates Contractor to a real punk rock dude who changed the world – Mahatma Gandhi. Chris Adler is drumming so fast that his stick flies off. Another delight springs our way when we hear that sweet intro to Vigil. Two songs to go, says Randy. That quick? It has been less than ninety minutes since LoG began. The circle pits are in full force for Redneck, and finally, for Black Label. Of course, they wouldn’t leave without an encore, right? Wrong! Minutes after LoG walk off the stage, the lights go out and the drum kit is disassembled. I want to see 11th Hour and Reclamation, but I don’t see too many people complaining. Everyone seems satisfied. Money more than well spent.
We walk out at 9 PM. Amon Amarth began at 9 PM at Deccan Rock. I hear people say that this was the best show ever, and I hear other people say this show was extremely disappointing in the sense that LoG fucked up on their timing on quite a few occasions. The guitar sound wasn’t perfect, but the drums were massive. For me, and I repeat, for me, both Deccan Rock and Porcupine Tree were much better experiences, but that’s only because my love for AA and PT exceeds my love for LoG. Two and a half hours into writing this review, I still don’t feel that crushing sense of euphoria that should have swept me over. Even my neck seems alright despite having headbanged to every single riff for ninety minutes. I can only hope that this will all hit me tomorrow.
I dedicate this review to my close friend Satya who was too busy stalking mature women in Orissa instead of being with us. Cheers motherfuckers.
Ankit Baraskar
Looks like a nice, honest review man. Walk with me in hell…hourglass…laid to rest…set to fail…black fucking label.. Me writing an Fmylife for not being there.
Krishna Singh
Very True .. This gig was not as "EPIC" as the others !
I thought Sepultura was completely insane compared to this . So were PT .
Useless Opening acts ! WTF was Bhoomi .. Sujay please quit music .. UGLYNESS !
Honest review, but I saw the concert in a totally different light. Lamb of God has always been my most favourite band, and this concert, despite its little drawbacks, was the best thing that has ever happened to me. And i really mean that! It was unbelievable. Though Opeth may have been tighter, and the sound at Sepultura may have been better, this was Lamb of God, at the end of the day. And a fan like me is willing to forgive anything when it comes to them. m/
Subhramani S
@ Krishna Singh
Yup yup… Sepultura was the best gig I have seen till date. Everything from the the fans getting to meet the band to the stage, lights, SOUND, everything was perfect. There may have been 'better' bands who have played here after them, but for Sepultura, everything was perfect.
care to explain Mr.Singh?
the only problem with the bhoomi set was the sound output was really low as they were the first band on stage which probably dropped the intensity levels..but loved the set anyway..fine work by tony jason and sujay..too bad a certain section were stupid enough to resort to throwing stuff on stage..they deserved to be kicked out honestly.
Guitar tone was too crunchy,and yes the drums were too loud much to everyone's benefit haha
Krishna Singh
It's all a part of being a professional musician. Maybe, Bhoomi was a wrong band for that day. But well, since they decided to go ahead with it anyways and dint live up to expectations, bottling is justified !
IMO dumbass decision for them to take a gig like this cause a layman like me actually saw this coming !
Care to justify Sujay ?
Fuckin insane! But yeah guitar tone was kind of too sharp and the drums were too loud,much to everyone's benefit haha
Good, honest review Krishna. I approve. The guitar tone was extremely scratchy. Like an amateur guitarist using Boss MT-2 distortion.
But in the end, it was an experience. And I was there. In the pit, in the wall, by the sides, I was everywhere.
Respect. m/
P.S. Krishna, "My boss Subbu"?? 😀
"I’m quite the biased metal head, and I think the Bangalore metal scene owns the rest of the country’s metal put together."
Keep dreaming motherfucker…The Bangalore metal scene sucks donkey testicles. You fuckers will not grow. Stick to your fuck all traditional metal, while the rest of the country moves ahead.
What's wrong with traditional metal?
"I don’t get the typical North Indian vocalist’s obsession with talking. Parikrama did that in Mumbai, and Scribe did that today."
Vishwesh, the vocalist of Scribe is South Indian not North Indian….
Krishna Ravi
@Madhav – Yes, my "boss" Subbu. A small paycheck wouldn't hurt.
@smax – Hmm okay.
@Peter – My bad.
LOG was d shit !!! dey ruled it n it was d best concert india has ever seen till now m/ n if ur sayin' bangalore owns d metal scene in d country …. ur probably livin' in ya fantasies 😛 delhi based undying inc.'s vox screams better dan bhayanak maut's both d vocalist's combined ! undying inc. is d most brutal band in asia …. n it is not even death metal ! dere djent,industrial,mathcre mix makes dem among the top 3 metal acts in d country . d oder 2 r DR n SCRIBE . n 4 ur distaste in scribe's music ….. ur probably a 'poseur' metalhead . scribe's vishwesh is probably among d best vox in d world …… dat guy can sing,grunt,squeal,growl n even make animal sounds with perfection ! UR A 'POSEUR' !
hey, this maybe honest…but this review doesnt satisfy me. People who were there maybe identify with it, i dont.
and yea some of those lines there that people have quoted and sum others make me laugh.
@ wettosa . agree wid ya !
I've been only to 1 more show in the country before this…the deccan rock festival…and i can tell u that was tonnes better…and this from a guy who actually likes LoG a little more than AA…everything, from the opening acts, to the crowd could've been better…all those arguing…the bangalore scene IS the best in the country…delhi only has a few bands like undying inc…the rest are complete posers who write bullshit mainstream rock, whereas here in bangalore more people listen to proper classic rock and proper metal…all forms, not just raditional metal..I know coz i've lived in delhi too..and in delhi ppl just try to be rutal without really understanding what metal is about…
Subhramani S
Russell Peters once said, "Terrorists hate America. Indians hate each other.".
Very true!
scribe is not xactly one of the best metal acts here in my opinion…seriously, i thought the singer had a really cheesy sense of humor…it was just weird..and their music wasn't exactly great..the singer has amazing capabilities..but that didn't translate into good songwriting sadly…extinct reflections, however, was very good…
@subhramani…lol…u have a point and i agree…
@ Krishna Singh: I hate to justify…but since its coming up as a discussion, I might as well go ahead.
Bhoomi was definitely a misfit in the line up, we were the first ones to acknowledge that and even express the same to the organizers. They assured us it was a festival with multiple genres and not a single "genre" gig.
The second was Sound, though Vishnu is a great sound guy and VNP provides the best sound here in Bangalore, it usually happens that the Indian bands in any International concert here gets almost 50% less sound than the headliners and its even worse if you happen to be the opening band amongst the opening bands.
Obviously the crowd doesn't know or care about this. If you could hear the same mix as we heard on stage..oh well!
NOTHING, I mean, NOTHING justifies bottle throwing. That just exposes the single digit IQ of the tiny motherfuckers who chickened out after just a small verbal outburst from us. You don't like the music, get the fuck out to the food stalls or give us fingers, boo us…don't fuckin throw shit at us which can damage our equipment which you haven't paid a penny for.
Lastly, after having played more than 250 gigs in the last 8 years, including some of the biggest that have happened across the country, getting signed on by one of the best Metal producers in the world and a Grammy winning one, winning every competition we have ever played in we know how to take criticism, but not shit from useless motherfuckers. 80% of the crowd knew us and they were in fact cheering for us, have been behind us in shit loads of gigs and that's what matters and we'll definitely take their feedback pretty seriously.
Lastly, for people who think Metal is just about growling and moshing, get medical help. Quick!
Nice review, but you don't know Scribe.
So, to generalize like the way you did about Scribe, could have been avoided.
Also, sad to know about what happened with Bhoomi.
But what's with the North-South thing ? If you couldn't tell if Scribe's vocalist was North or South Indian, how can you be sure of who threw the bottles ? Of course it doesn't change the fact that those morons should be castrated, but you could do without bringing up this North South debate.
Ankit Baraskar
Funny how every "big" post on here attracts bickering. At least you buggers saw LoG live. Try being happy with that. As for the bottle throwing thing, just goes on to show that there were schoolkids in the crowd. And as for Bhoomi being the misfits, it's mostly the fault of the organizers, since I don't think this was a "multi-genre" gig by any standards. The organizers should've thought about this…Alice in Chains got raped for trying to open for Slayer back in the 90's or something. This was similar, I guess.
The Demonstealer
This discussion is funny. Frankly speaking every city has a unique metal scene and as a band its very interesting to experience them all. So whats the big deal if the Bangalore crowd likes Traditional metal and the Delhi crowd math/djent/nuage or whatever it is?
Good Music matters. The show was alright. Being at the stall all I can say is the sound that reached me was pretty bad for all bands including LOG.
Performances were good. I think most people got their moneys worth. I know I got mine 😀
@abhiram:but scribe themselves, have never claimed to be an all out metal band, they are a very unique blend of heavy music in my opinion. Maybe you should pick up or download a copy of their new album, and theyre previous ones. Every metal band takes the image too seriously and this bunch doesnt which is why they are so god damn entertaining.
Well yes the joke was not so great, but everyones got a dull day, and apart from that joke they were nothing short of explosive.
I dont intend to change your opinion but watching countless bands come and go in the indian scene, i have to say that they are at the top there with Kryptos, DR, BM.
ER is great music but a very dull stage act, people come to enjoy and be entertained at a show, if there is nothing else but the music going for the band, id rather sit at home and listen to their CD.
LOG was good, but somehow didnt sound as good as i had expected a band of theyre stature to. Drums were the only thing going for them, soundwise. Lights were awesome. KUDOS to the team who made the show happen. Apart from boomerang and bhoomi, the lineup was excellent.
haha what a bunch of jokers the crowd was..
@ankit yeah i agree…the organizers should have made sure to have similar geners knowing the collective stupidity of Indian metal audience…like the one above me who feels that he can listen to a cd or some crap….i don't know about AIC but in this case it was the crowd who got raped…they cocked up after they got their asses handed over to them by bhoomi.
LOG were mindfucking blowing….but as Subhramani said we Indians should work on fucking respecting our bands first.
i don know bout the concert as i was not present but don't u feel that the review was pretty much biased and u're talking too much about the regions the bands belong too rather than their music… man Boomarang is one of the best fucking live band of the country may be their inclusion to open for LoG was not that wise but keep in mind that they are not sum "friday night Pub" band and again Scribe is the best fucking band of this time… and i also think that u are still to experience some of the most brutal bands of the country!!!!
@krishna Singh – with a name like Krishna Singh I think you lose the right to comment on anything.
Well said Sujay.
Also, Hardcore is not Metal 🙂 I cant wait to get my hands on 'Mark of Teja'!
Chromatic Death
Totally retarded review, bullshit facts and meandering dailogue. But to get 'racist' on top of all that is just thoughtless. How can you think that the readres will be mature when the writers themselves are being narrow-minded and gutless. I Expected headbangersindia.com to have a little more credibility than this, as its about time to rise above the 'random-kid-blogs-for-webzine' angle for gig reviews. @Subbu: Please get professionals who know their music and have done their homework and avoid the 'Hairy Krishna' types.
Krishna Ravi
@Whoever – Ok, I fucked up on the one fact about Vishwesh. I even admitted it in a previous comment. I didn't intend to be 'racist' either.
Retarded review? I don't think so. Read my other reviews and if any of you still think I'm a poseur or a random kid, do tell.
ok..i will admit, i don't know much about scribe…i did like some of the riffs they had and shit…i will check them out…
and i think its best that we end the region and racist debate…i agree with the demonstealer..
Ananth BR
I wonder why everyone's getting butthurt about a review. A review is something that's intrinsically subjective. I like the fact that this is an honest review. Those who have been at the concert and don't agree with the review should of course be entitled to their own opinion but express that in a civilized way [as has been done in the review itself and a few sensible posters].
Nothing, I really mean nothing, justifies throwing stuff at a band. The most that even FTN got was the finger [but in 10,000s of course]. Now it's depressing that retarded kids throw stuff at a respected band like Bhoomi. I've seen a lot of people cribbing about Bhoomi. I saw that coming, considering the juvenile and ignorant demographics with regards to the LOG fanbase [while this is still probably a minority, it's significant enough]. But that doesn't change the fact that Bhoomi is fucking awesome and has a bunch of very talented musicians with Sujay probably being the best 'clean' metal vocalist India has ever produced.
Coming back to the review, I reiterate the fact that I like this review for it's honesty. As a person who wasn't present at the gig [I think of concert reviews as personal accounts of a gig, presented to someone who wasn't around] it gave me a clear view about the concert. Moreover I like Krishna's style of gig-reviewing as it places the reader in the gig-attendee's shoes. I find that more impresive than "the low mids could've been better", "the second riff of Omerta was impeccable, though lacking in the customary gain" and definitely more intelligent than "fuckingbrootallfuckyeah". I'm sure it would please more people if it was just "fucking awesome heehaaaw!!" though.
Madhav Ravindranath
Headbangers India staff reviews for IRMP3! 😀
Subhramani S
You are THE staff dude m/
Let's cut out the war. Krishna has his own favourites, so let him be. That doesn't in any way echo the general opinion of all metalheads, or the website. I am a typical Bangalore metalhead, but apart from LoG, I came to watch Scribe. And they kicked ass. And no doubt, so did ER and Bhoomi.
As Randy said, we should all support the local metal scene in our country. Let's stop bickering like a bunch of kids possessive about our toys, and learn to look at reviews objectively. Don't take offense if this doesn't match your points of view. If you think you have something different to say, please write for us. We're always open to more writers!
Subbu, I may be the staff but Vilasini IS THE MAN!!! m/
Lets just be men and listen to the women. After all, she is right. 🙂
Subhramani S
Ok.. nothing made sense to me. Anyway, no off topic kakkoos here 😛
Rightly said Vilasini. Supporting our local metal and not quarellin amongst us needs to be followed.
As for the show, I dint really listen to LOG, on the 15th as much as I basked in the aura of LOG. It was more of a "once in a life spectacle" (which i hope is not) We've all listened to LOG both on recorded albums and live shows (Killadelphia)…but witnessing Morton + Willie's guitarin, Campbell's bass, Chris' insane peddlin and Randy on stage…just a couple of metres away. Was if I may say …"HEAVENLY"..!!
Tony D
Generalisations are baayd, m'kay?
So let's just all get along, m'kay?
@Sujay – I must say I'm kind of disappointed in you. Why would you want to waste your energy on explaining anything to the kind of amoeba who would think that throwing stuff at people is a justifiable way of showing one's dislike for their music? Don't you know that at the toothpaste-cap-screwing factory where he works, one shows displeasure by throwing one's fecal matter at one's subordinates? Is it not obvious that he's probably the kind of sickening little brat that's been throwing vegetables at his parents/maid all his life? Isn't there evidence enough to prove that his obvious desire to fire a projectile of some sort reeks of a sort of, shall we say, Freudian repression? Can you not see that his singularity of focus, vision, and musical taste is matched only by the singularity of that sole IQ digit, dangling so precariously on the precipice of existence, just waiting for him to open his mouth again, before giving up on him completely and taking that final leap, leaving us with no doubt that he is, in fact, socially retarded?
But on a lighter note..drugs are baayd, m'kay?
Srinivas V T
I have seen a lot of festivals and been a part of one of the biggest for Indian acts – Rock ethos. Most of the reviews that I have read during the couple of editions that happened during that period were never Genre based.. Dont know what changed in a year.
@Krishna Ravi, I agree with Ananth, your reviews are honest which is fine, but then the POV is to review a festival irrespective of the genre of the headlining act – LOG in this case. Again this is just a suggestion and I am not judging your job. I repeat – You have done a good review.
Secondly I dont know why the meaning of festival changed. This was a festival for LOG and a nightmare for the local acts. We[Indian bands] all knew that the crowd will be hostile when we play alongside LOG and we did not beg for their support either. But then was it not printed on The tickets and all releases that there are 4 INDIAN BANDS opening for LOG ? What were people expecting @ 3 PM? LOG and Bhoomi Jugalbandi ? If people were looking forward for 4 bands that would open for LOG and play LOG songs wearing LOG guys masks.. then I think I have suggest the same thing as Sujay did .. Get a medic.. Quick
To all those motherfuckers[I am sorry but I cannot find a more diplomatic word] who think they can throw shit at stage.. I thought u guys will be brave.. 200+ of you chickened out by just the guys on stage.. That speaks a lot of how much metal you guys have in you.
Lastly.. I realize after all the shit that has happened, it is never a good thing for any Indian act to open for an International act in this country.. Forget what it adds to your profile.. Your music will speak more for itself than a gig where you tolerated hostile crowd.
The Demonstealer
Bands abroad get bottles occasionally as well. Its called a job hazard.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying that its ok, hell no! They should be slapped. (I've got bottles, stones etc thrown at me too)
But its a job hazard to live it with and move on to the next gig.
Primordial Soup
First things first, bangalores metal scene is out dated. so as far as it owning the rest of the metal scene goes, it cant.
Also let me point out that who you call a north indian vocalist is actually a south indian. Your ignorance is amazing.
I wont write further because there is nothing one can say about a shitty review like this one.
Enjoy your days as an ignorant fool.
Until the next time
Krishna Singh
1.""Bhoomi was definitely a misfit in the line up, we were the first ones to acknowledge that and even express the same to the organizers. They assured us it was a festival with multiple genres and not a single “genre” gig""
Dude are u serious ?!?! my 5 year old nephew would figure out that a Lamb Of God gig is not a multiple genre gig , but a brutal metal gig !
(Metal is not just about growling or screeching , but it's about being intense and classic metal is a different genre for a different crowd and not a crowd that's come to see LOG)
Irrespective of the organizer or his words an experienced musician with over 250 gigs like u would know that.
2.""Though Vishnu is a great sound guy and VNP provides the best sound here in Bangalore, it usually happens that the Indian bands in any International concert here gets almost 50% less sound than the headliners and its even worse if you happen to be the opening band amongst the opening bands.
Obviously the crowd doesn’t know or care about this. If you could hear the same mix as we heard on stage..oh well!""
Disagree ! Lamb of God has good engineer, gear and a working team, thus they will sound better than you .If u have your own engineer who knows his game you could sound just as good ! I'm sure the sound vendor has no problem in pushing your volume/or u getting a good mix. Why would the vendor or the organizer have a problem after all when your are promoting his audio company with good sound . Get my drift ?!
3.NOTHING, I mean, NOTHING justifies bottle throwing. That just exposes the single digit IQ of the tiny motherfuckers who chickened out after just a small verbal outburst from us. You don’t like the music, get the fuck out to the food stalls or give us fingers, boo us…don’t fuckin throw shit at us which can damage our equipment which you haven’t paid a penny for.
Well , tricky topic here .
But , we've spent a fairly decent amount of money to watch the bands and as a band it is your responsibility to entertain us. Bottle throwing does not happen when 1,2 or 10 guys are not happy. Happens when a good majority are not happy. (Youtube Akon at Reading festival or My Chemical Romance at Download 07')
Crowd anger is justified and thought it's sad that you got bottled, treat it like a professional musician instead of cribbing about your gear getting beer stained/damaged. Have it in your ryder that the organizer pays it in such an instance if you are so unsure about your ability as a performer.
3.Lastly, after having played more than 250 gigs in the last 8 years, including some of the biggest that have happened across the country, getting signed on by one of the best Metal producers in the world and a Grammy winning one
If u got the dough , you could get other Grammy winning producers like Brendan O'Brien ,Keely Smith or Machine for that matter. They are just an email away !
Anyways , i'm not here for a fight , just a humble discussion !
Peace out and Cheerz 🙂
@ krishna singh
u know wat..i wouldnt get into mindless fights on the internet but someone so full of himself like u needs to be told wat a douche he is.
u have any idea how stupid ur points are??
1. ur first point: "Dude are u serious ?!?! my 5 year old nephew would figure out that a Lamb Of God gig is not a multiple genre gig , but a brutal metal gig !"
where did it say that? did it say "summer storm brutal metal festival" on ur ticket?
2. bout ur sound point.
u retard. did u even read wat sujay said? he said indian bands get 50% lesser output volume. thts just some way these things happen. not that they want it that way u fucktard. cant u fuckin read english?
3. bout the bottle throwing.
u have nothing here. if u threw as much as a bottle cap on stage. ur an asswipe. learn to RESPECT the musicians before u go to any concert. and if u want entertainment value for ur money GO TO A FUCKING CIRCUS!
4. no producers will take anyone just for dough. how retarded can u really get?
5. learn to count motherfucker. after 3 comes 4.
just for future reference. that was my last post. i only even replied to ur retarded points are coz of my respect to bhoomi mixed with my hatred towards noob-ish “im so metal” poseurs like u. ppl like you are wat is wrong with the scene.
even if u do come with more retarded points, shove them up ur ass.
Srinivas V T
Dude are u serious ?!?! my 5 year old nephew would figure out that a Lamb Of God gig is not a multiple genre gig , but a brutal metal gig !
(Metal is not just about growling or screeching , but it’s about being intense and classic metal is a different genre for a different crowd and not a crowd that’s come to see LOG)
Irrespective of the organizer or his words an experienced musician with over 250 gigs like u would know that.
Well those 250 gigs were never played for a bunch of 5 year olds and we thought we were catering to grown ups who understand whats a festival
Disagree ! Lamb of God has good engineer, gear and a working team, thus they will sound better than you .If u have your own engineer who knows his game you could sound just as good ! I’m sure the sound vendor has no problem in pushing your volume/or u getting a good mix. Why would the vendor or the organizer have a problem after all when your are promoting his audio company with good sound . Get my drift ?!
Let me know if you want to clarify with Anupam and Vishnu.. both being the sound engineers for all the opening acts.. I can share their contacts
Well , tricky topic here .
But , we’ve spent a fairly decent amount of money to watch the bands and as a band it is your responsibility to entertain us. Bottle throwing does not happen when 1,2 or 10 guys are not happy. Happens when a good majority are not happy. (Youtube Akon at Reading festival or My Chemical Romance at Download 07?)
Crowd anger is justified and thought it’s sad that you got bottled, treat it like a professional musician instead of cribbing about your gear getting beer stained/damaged. Have it in your ryder that the organizer pays it in such an instance if you are so unsure about your ability as a performer.
Like I quoted earlier, were these guys expecting us to play LOG covers or a Jugalbandi with LOG? and if you were to pick the examples of the crowd at download for Chemical brothers, I can only say you know how to follow wrong things.
Most of the guys who have put down their opinions here have put it otherwise to your analysis. So probably u were surrounded by the 1,2 or 10 guys who did not like it..
If u got the dough , you could get other Grammy winning producers like Brendan O’Brien ,Keely Smith or Machine for that matter. They are just an email away !
Yeah man its a cake walk … thats why it took one band to do it so far.. and that one band has guys from an average middle class family… so you do the math.. any guy with an average IQ can say that you are talking about a dream that never comes true..
Producers being a mail away.. Dude.. I hold the responsibility of finding the producer as the manager of this band.. You need specifics.. I will share it with you and If your thoughts remain the same, I will be the first one to acknowledge all the things that you have discussed so far.
I wasn't at the gig because I hate LoG, but here are my comments nevertheless –
@Sujay, Tony, VT – I can't believe this happened to you guys at the gig. No matter what, we Bangalore metalheads know you guys are one of the best bands in the country and IMO, the only awesome sounding band which also has musicians who are comparable to the best at their respective instruments. And you scared 200 plus guys from the stage? WAY TO GO! 😀
@Krishna Singh
"Dude are u serious ?!?! my 5 year old nephew would figure out that a Lamb Of God gig is not a multiple genre gig , but a brutal metal gig !
(Metal is not just about growling or screeching , but it’s about being intense and classic metal is a different genre for a different crowd and not a crowd that’s come to see LOG)
Irrespective of the organizer or his words an experienced musician with over 250 gigs like u would know that."
Dude, are YOU serious? When was the gig advertised as a "brutal metal gig"? Your comment is baseless. If you go to Wacken Open Air, you'll find all bands from Saxon, Maiden and Anvil to Kreator, COB and Cannibal Corpse. Probably on the same day. That's how it is. Do you chuck stuff at a band onstage because you're still waiting for your favorite act to come up? Fact – pull something like this at a fest abroad, and you'll get murdered by the rest of the crowd.
Besides, if you can say there's something in common with LoG, ER and Bhoomi, it's the fact that they all fall under this big umbrella called "metal" (though I have personal reservations against calling LoG a "brutal metal" band – they're more punk/hardcore/groove…whatever). It was a festival headlined by LoG featuring, among other bands, Bhoomi and not "The LoG festival featuring opening acts by brutal bands playing similar music"
As for Akon playing Reading or whatever…well, you wouldn't wanna be a black guy and turn up at a KKK reunion, would you? Metaphorically speaking, of course. Check out the bands playing Wacken or Download or Sonisphere or even Ozzfest this year, note the diversity and you'll know what I'm talking about. Not everybody will like all the bands that are playing, but that's the way it is. And yeah, NOTHING justifies throwing bottles onstage.
"If u got the dough , you could get other Grammy winning producers like Brendan O’Brien ,Keely Smith or Machine for that matter. They are just an email away !"
Really? Try it. Fish out Andy Sneap's email ID. Just send an email, negotiate on the pay, settle on the amount, and share it with all of us here. You'll find that unless they're really into your music, and know they can work with you, they won't take it up. Neil Kernon seems a busy man. The latest I heard, he produced Nile's latest. A truly brutal band, I might add.
Bottom line – you can sit at home at your parents', feel secure behind a fake name and anonymity thanks to the web and spew all the shit you want. When 5 guys onstage threatened you and your many buddies, you pussied out. THAT'S reality. And your feeling of security actually makes you justify your actions. Guess what? You're a small man with an identity crisis. Grow a pair of balls, form a band, go up and stage, and try to take the criticisms and negative comments.
Kaushik, VT and Bharad have already stated what I wanted to say. Thanks guys 🙂
Krishna Singh says :-
"Well , tricky topic here .
But , we’ve spent a fairly decent amount of money to watch the bands and as a band it is your responsibility to entertain us. Bottle throwing does not happen when 1,2 or 10 guys are not happy. Happens when a good majority are not happy. (Youtube Akon at Reading festival or My Chemical Romance at Download 07?)
Crowd anger is justified and thought it’s sad that you got bottled, treat it like a professional musician instead of cribbing about your gear getting beer stained/damaged. Have it in your ryder that the organizer pays it in such an instance if you are so unsure about your ability as a performer."
Picture this, you pay 250 bucks go to a movie which YOU think sucks. If you try to damage the screen of the theater by throwing bottles or break the projector for that reason, the only thing that will be damaged are your bones. Get my drift?
You can write reviews, urge all the people you know not to watch the movies, get on TV/Radio and ridicule the movie, walk out of the cinema hall…and by chance your voice gets heard, then the actor/director will behave professionally. No one gives a damn about uncultured hooligans and rightly so….don't justify "Ramsenesque" act to being metalheads.
From the stage I saw there were roughly around 5 guys who threw something, around 15 guys giving us the finger, so that makes 20 in 500(???) odd people and in pure mathematical terms, it cannot be termed majority.
Anyways, I don't wish to discuss it further..thanks to the guys who liked us and supported us and for those of you who didn't, we are not going anywhere..so maybe we'll change your opinion soon enough. 🙂
th3 best fucking show the country has seen.. LOG totally hammered it.. can’t forget the headbanging, neck breaking, morsh pitting, screech growling experience ever.. indian metal bands have a long way to go but im definitely with them all the way 😉
I know Neil Kernon (Auslander) personally and I know for a fact that he’s very very busy. He’s produced Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Nevermore and Judas Priest and forget the time constraints, he would never agree to produce a crap band that would tarnish his reputation, no matter how much they paid him. The fact that Bhoomi is working with him is a BIG DEAL.
Krishna Ravi
I’m not being abused anymore. I kinda miss it.
LoG Forever!
The show is over and done but there one issue that has been bugging since MH MDTH show
I just feel that its extremely shameful, when the indian bands are told that you will be at half the output of the headlining band. Im trying to understand reason. Sure youll sound louder and like the headling band, but at the expense of making other bands not sound as good as they can. Luckily for Extinct Ref. they got a louder sound than the other bands.
Theres no reason to be insecure, so i cant understand why this call was taken. They did the same thing with Machine Head when they opened for Megadeth. I've spoken to the sound guys themselves so theres no misinformation.
NerveRek played at 12db less as compared to Scorpions.
I'm sorry, but the spotlight fell on Willie Adler before Blacken The Cursed Sun..
The Demonstealer
@PSS – Lamb of Gods volume was 50% of the PA when they opened for Metallica. Anywhere in the world the opening bands are always given less volume. Only at festivals it does not apply.
I have seen Bhoomi playing live many times and their shows are killer. Even their sound is very original unlike most of the bands who just cheat from other international acts. I was there when Bhoomi was playing in the Summerstorm 2010 and the guys who threw stuff at them were real Losers. Seriously guys, if you dont like a band dont listen. Instead go to the food stand and grab something to eat or drink or call up your mom or girl friend.
Unfortunately metal heads in India believe that you are not a metal bad unless your vocalist growl, Drop D tuning and double bass drum. For everyone out there who believe in this, i just have one thing to tell you 'You Are Still A Toddler When it Comes to Metal'. Haven't you heard of bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and deep purple.. They managed to create some of the most awesome and heaviest songs the world have heard of yet they dont follow this equation.
Looks like I got here too late. Anyway from what I've read (both the review and the comments) I just have a few things to say
First of all it didn't surprise me at all that most of the Northie fucks threw shit on stage. That's all they're good for. Stupid, juvenile behaviour. Bhoomi were very good on the day despite the bad sound but people who throw things at bands no matter how musch you like/dislike them should be thrown out. End of story. You people are a plague on the scene.
Boomarang were not bad but not great either but like the reviewer said they would have been more at home in a pub/club setting.
Scribe were…strange. A mish mash of a whole lot of things with nothing cohesive. The vocalist's 'humor' was downright lame and at times even annoying. Maybe this sort of thing gets a few chuckles in braindead cities like Mumbai but in Bangalore most people were left scratching their heads at the stupidity of it all. Good stage act though.
ER were the band of the day by far. It's a pity they had to disband. They are head and shoulders above almost every metal band in India and have more talent in their little toes than the entire Mumbai and Delhi metal scene combined.
And finally to LOG themselves. I'm not the biggest fan but I like a lot of their stuff and I was quite excited having pumped myself up by watching their DVD at home before the show. All I can say is WHAT A FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT. I couldn't believe this was the same band I saw on DVD. This was some lame imitation for sure. I've never been so bored at an international band's gig before. They were sloppy and just completely monotonous. Chris Adler was a joke. What a rip off. Only Randy can hold his head up high for giving it his all. The rest of them just posed about like typical white trash.
All in all, highly disappointing show. Looking forward to Testament and Slayer now.
Ishaan Kumar
^^I'd love to see what investigations you carried out and the evidence you have proving that the bottle throwers were North Indians.Seriously,why such hatred against that part of the country?
I think all of you should just go and listen to Civil War by Guns N Roses..
How about me standing right in front when the throwing started and then listening to the same people conversing/cribbing in Hindi about how they have to keep travelling from Mumbai to Bangalore for gigs.
Evidence enough for you?
You're free to ask more people and they'll tell you the same.
Also I don't have any hatred for that part of the country. It's just my observation that the most uncouth louts who attend concerts in Bangalore happen to be from those cities. You're probably used to such behavior but I'm not.
LoG kicked ass…the concert was fucking amazing…yes i do agree to the off timing of the guitars…i noticed that something was wrong when LAID TO REST was being played, the guitar sounded a little off.. i told my frnds but they wud not agree.. anyways it was a kick ass show…and my eyes fill up with tears when pple talk about PT concert.. i cant believe i missed it (goddamn exams)….i hope they come again soon………