Picture Courtesy: RockandRaga.in

Chennai-ites welcomed the New Year with the first ever overnight gig- Unseen Underground Ragnarok ‘09 (in association with Fa Men Xtreme). The show featured seven Indian metal bands who kicked off 2010 with a bang, with the help of pure music and live performances.

After a long wait Crypted, a Chennai based progressive death metal band started the show with great fervor. Their music triggered the youngsters to come forward and bang their heads to their powerful riffs and vocals. Soon everybody got mesmerized by their music and started moshing.

Next up was a progressive metal band, Purple Blood all the way from Trivandrum to rock the people of Chennai. This young band left the crowd awestruck with their brilliant showmanship.
Rampazze, a Rock N Roll and Hard Rock band based in Delhi was not new to the crowd of Chennai. When they took the stage next, the long awaiting fans of this band got much more than what they expected this time. Age no bar, everyone came and joined their journey to old school and rock and roll music. Their music was produced by using some of the best Indian made guitars of HMI. It was amazing to see that their original songs were familiar to most of the crowd, who started to sing along with the band.
After this rock and roll journey Abandoned Agony, a technical brutal death metal band from Bangalore took the stage to create a thunder with their original songs. This band has made a strong fan base after their first show in Unseen Underground Pub Fest V.  The place was in fire and got packed with lot of people, much more than what the organizers had predicted. The clock struck 12 while they were playing and everyone started greeting each other, including the band. A great beginning to a New Year filled with lots of hope.
Right after that, the stage was taken by Atmosfear a death metal band from Mumbai. In spite of their first gig in the city they had an excellent crowd support. With their performance, they left the crowd baffled.
Chennai’s own Blind Image, a Contemporary metal band came next on stage to ensnare their fans with the songs from their new album “More Than Human”. The fans of the band lost themselves to their music in the early hours of 2010. Everyone seemed to be happy about such a commencement to a New Year with their desired music floating in the air. Of course it was something new to the Chennai crowd present in the show. But this was no end. T-Man of Nova Sanctum Fame from Eastern India took stage with his bass guitar jamming session. Addy from Armour of God joined him on stage. Time was a hindrance as there was one more band in the queue. But the crowd wanted more with no sign of winding up. Then, Bangalore based band Kaashmora delivered their best even though time was a constraint for them.
The show came to a halt with a message of prosperity and inspiration for all- to look forward to 2010 for 365 days of exhilaration and non-stop metal mayhem. We are sure that Unseen Underground has lots more to deliver this year after the success of Ragnarok 09. Fingers crossed!

Get Unseen Underground upcoming show updates from http://unseenunderground.blogspot.com/

-Shruti Duarah