‘Asian Beat’ is one of the biggest amateur band contests held throughout many regions in Asia. It starts out from Area Heat in participating countries and regions. Each winner at Area Heat finals can proceed onto the Grand Final, where they will perform together on the same stage and compete to be the top of amateur bands in Asia.

Yamaha Corporation started this event as “Band Alert” in 1998, renamed to “Asian Beat” in 2001. In the past years, worldwide famous players were the judges such as Nathan East, Wes Borland, Tommy Aldridge, Sonny Emory, Billy Sheehan and James LoMenzo.

The upcoming fourteenth Asian Beat competition-Asian Beat 2011 will take place in 10 countries. The finalists shall meet in Korea in November for the Grand Finale. The audience will have the chance to hear 11 bands in competition -the 10 Asian Beat finalists and the one Brazilian band from “Brazilian Beat” as a special guest.

Participating countries in Asian Beat 2011 are Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, South Korea, Mexico, India Asian Beat 2011
Grand Final Date : November 13, 2011 (Sunday)
Entry fee : Free
Participants : 10 bands from Asian Beat 2011 + 1 band from Brazilian Beat
Venue : AX Hall (Seoul, Korea)
Special guest/judge : Akira Jimbo (Drummer)

To register your band, send an email to asianbeat@yamahamusicindia.com with:
i. An mp3 file of the band’s original song recording (restricted to maximum of 10MB size and 6 minutes duration)
ii. An excel file with the band details.

For F.A.Q.’s and other details, visit the official website.