Headbangers India would like to announce its support to Vishal Kapatkar, a Masters Student whose dissertation topic is Heavy Metal in India, affects of Public Relations (if any), Media & New Media, ”metal to our (y)ears…”. He is aiming at capturing the experiences and thoughts of Indian metal fans, and illustrating them in his dissertation. Please help him out by taking about 2 minutes to answer this survey created by him.
There is also another set of 4 questions that you could answer to better help his research.
Thank you for taking my survey it means a lot. I’m besieged with the responses, I cannot express the adrenaline rush that keeps pumping in, driving me to work harder and smarter to complete this research.
In response to all the requests, I have created a blog where I will attempt to update the progress.
Link: http://www.indianmetalscene.wordpress.com