Demonic Resurrection: The Return To Darkness
Demonic Resurrection has finally announced details of the new, upcoming album. Their third studio album, titled ‘The Return to Darkness’ will come out on January 15th, 2010.
Demonic Resurrection has finally announced details of the new, upcoming album. Their third studio album, titled ‘The Return to Darkness’ will come out on January 15th, 2010.
December 5th 2009. Palace Grounds, Bangalore, India. Deccan Rock. Textures. Amon Amarth. Heaven, Hell, and everything in between.
‘Brutal Assault’ is an Open Air metal music festival that happens every year in the Czech Republic. Over the years, it has featured bands like Rotting Christ, Testament, Dark Funeral, Evile and Marduk.
Demonic Resurrection drummer Virendra Kaith, a.k.a Viru, has signed up to endorse Zildjian Cymbals and Mapex Drums. Virendra joins the Mapex and Zildjian families of worldwide artists and is along great drummers like Chris Adler (Mapex), Aquiles Priester (Mapex), Dennis Chambers (Zildjian), Marco Minnemann (Zildjian), Gavin Harrison (Zildjian) and the ranks of many more great drummers.