DEVOID and HALAHKUH announce member departures
Maharashtrian thrash metal bands Devoid (Mumbai) and Halahkuh (Pune) have independently announced partings with respective members in the same week.
Devoid announced earlier today that they were parting ways with their drummer Shubham Kumar via a Facebook post:
It’s with a heavy heart that we part ways with our drummer who now is pursuing his career in Dubai and we wish him the best of luck for his future endeavours. This admittedly puts a damper on things as the material that was almost good to start recording will now have to be put on an indefinite hiatus. We hope to be back but it seems life is catching up at break neck speed and to keep the spirit of Devoid alive is taking it’s toll. It’s during this time that a band truly needs its audience to shoulder some of our weight. Till we haven’t sorted things for ourselves Devoid is going to be put on hold.
– Arun
Halahkuh’s announcement of their parting with bass player Prakhar Soni was announced yesterday. The band also announced a temporary replacement in the form of Shubhrayu De from Pune band Dark Helm:
Well with a heavy heart we have to announce that our brother PRAKHAR SONI has officially parted ways with the band. It is painful for us and him as well to leave something that we have collectively started. He went against all the odds to make this band reach to a level where it is right now. The band will never forget his contributions be it onstage or off-stage.
We at Halahkuh respect his decision of moving on with his life and wish him all the best for his future endeavors. We will always remain to be the best of friends and the place that you have left is always yours, we will keep it safe..
Current scenario : Presenting to you the new overlord of bottom ends Mr Shubhrayu De from (Dark Helm) . Let’s welcome him to the Halahkuh family. He is one monster bass player who will be helping us with a couple of shows ahead.