EXCLUSIVE: Indian premiere of Polish black/thrash meisters WARFIST
Headbangers India is proud to present the exclusive Indian premiere of Polish black/thrash meisters Warfist, under Godz Ov War Productions. Their sophomore album “Metal to the Bone!” is due for release on Friday, 4th November and we’re proud to present the band to our listeners in India.
Since the debut EP HellTyrant Rising in 2008, the band has been crushing eardrums across the world with their angry “Venom meets Motorhead”esque rock n’roll thrash, and the new album follows where the debut full length “The Devil Lives in Grünberg” left off. 9 tracks of punch-to-the-guts riffs, taking no prisoners.
The band comments: “Metal to the Bone is our second studio album, which mixes old-school thrash as instructed by the best German recipes, mixed with the best of the first wave of black metal and a hint of rock ‘n’ roll in the style of Motörhead. It is fast, hard and aggressive, but at the same time catchy. This album contains nine tracks in which the devil lurks and screams at you through the sound of rough guitars, wheezing bass lines and galloping drum beats. In short, pure fucking honest METAL which does not even think about taking prisoners!”
Pre-order the album at the Godz Ov War Store and listen to the exclusive stream here: