Pain of Salvation Pre-show night

Date: 28th January 2011 (Friday)
Time: 8 pm to 11 pm (After Decibel Finals)
Venue: Geoffrey’s Pub, Radha Regent Hotel, Arumbakkam, Chennai
Entry: Rs 300/- (100% reedemable cover charge)
Passes avilable only in the Derby outlets.
Bands performing:
Yonsample (Metal Band- Kolkata)
Wolf’s Lair (Heavy Metal Band- Chennai)
Infidels Of Sanity (Hypnotic Progressive Rock Band- Pune)
Pain Of Salvation will select the best performance of the evening and the best performing band will get free passes for the Saarang main rock show and also gift voucher from Derby clothing.
For more information on the Meet & Greet session with the band, watch this space. For other details, log on to