Daniel Kenneth Rego quits Demonic Resurrection
After 6 years and 2 albums (including the as yet unreleased 4th full-length), lead guitarist of Mumbai metal veterans Demonic Resurrection, Daniel Kenneth Rego has decided to quit the band. The reasons cited were changing musical interests and professional priorities, as detailed in this personal statement:
To everyone who’s listened to and supported Demonic Resurrection over all these years, thank you. My decision to part ways with the band is based on a simple fact – I no longer feel the same passion and connection with this style of music, in general. Demonic Resurrection is at a stage where it requires a 100% from everyone involved in order to move forward, and speaking as an individual musician, I feel I am no more in the musical and aesthetic space to fully give to the band what it deserves. I hope I will continue to receive your support in my endeavours in other musical idioms, a few of which will be formally announced in the near future. Until then, to quote a famous musician, ‘Cheers and stay Demonic!
As a farewell, Demonic Resurrection will be playing a show at Mumbai’s Blue Frog on the 19th of January.