Trend Slaughter Fest returns
The third edition of Bangalore’s Trend Slaughter fest is here, featuring Singaporean thrash/crust band Blood Division as the headliners. The gig, engineered and innovated by Cyclopean Eye Productions promises the best of the underground bands and stays true to it’s name. Having featured Japanese black thrash metallers Abigail and Bangladesh’s own Orator in the past, this one promises to be just as damaging.
Making their live debut at TSF III will be Bombay’s Solar Deity. Accompanied by Necrodeity from Kolkota, the legendary Dying Embrace and Bangalore’s very own Witchgoat and Shepherd. TSF III takes place on 10th February, 2013 at a venue yet to be announced.
The gig features an early bird ticket offer for Rs. 500, while the ticket on the day of the gig costs Rs. 700. Both variants featuring a free beer.
Be there to witness some absolute mayhem, moshing and thrashing. And as always, support the underground!
Gutslit look to annihilate with new line up
Mumbai based slam grinders Gutslit join the league of extreme death metal bands for Sounds of Underground to be held in Trivandrum on the 6th of March. Gutslit have returned with their new line up, now featuring Aditya Bharve on vocals, who is a replacement for the controversial former frontman Nikhil Allug. This is sort of an exchange of bands between events as Stark Denial and Abandoned Agony now join the elite line up for NYDM India Meatfeast scheduled for the 19th of March in Mumbai. The fest which features Bloodsoaked as the headlining band after Orator pulled out promises to be quite a blast. Orator will now be headlining Trendslaughter Fest on March 20th in Bangalore as the only gig as opposed to their previously planned 3 city tour.